King'ang'i and Maina speak on men's mental health

The morning duo did so while recognizing that June is mental health month

Maina Kageni and Mwalimu King'ang'i discussed men's mental health in recognition of June being Men's Mental Health Month.

Mwalimu King'ang'i said, "Maina, do you know men cry? Women should understand their men. This constant stressing is too much!"

He then asked, "Fellas, the floor is yours. What is depressing you? And what do you want your women to do to make life easier for you?"

Maina Kageni added, "Apparently, every 40 seconds, one person around the world commits suicide. There's a problem! Guys, your problem is that you don't speak up!"

They also engaged in a call with a listener who said, "Maina, the problem is our modern men are not guided on what marriage is all about. They go into marriage with a lot of expectations."

These were the responses given:

James Mwadeghu: "Speak up, then what happens? Nobody comes to your rescue as a man; you have to handle it yourself."

Mangoa Kell: "The trusted people to share problems with no longer exist. Compared to the earlier days of our forefathers, who believed a problem shared is a problem half solved, men should learn to take caution in life since nobody cares."

Junior Laboso: "A man crying is seen as a sign of weakness, and women don't like men who cry. The only time a man should cry is when a loved one passes on."

The Host William: "Hehe. Women are stressful, Maina. They decide when to upset a man."