How to deal with mental health June being Men's Mental Health Awareness Month

Society expects them to be strong, not show emotions, not to seek help but rather help themselves.

How to deal with mental health June being Men's Mental Health Awareness Month

June is the month of men's mental health awareness.

This began with family members struggling with depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders.

Men going through significant life challenges increase their risk of mental health disorders and suicide.

It is known that men are less likely than women to seek help for depression, substance use, and stressful life events due to the societal perception of them.

The National Institute of Mental Health Trusted Source says mental health conditions are more common among women than men, but this may be because men aren’t opening up and reaching out. And while 51.7% of women with a mental health condition in 2021 received support from mental health services, only 40% of men with a mental health condition did.

Society expects them to be strong, not show emotions, not to seek help but rather help themselves.

First of all; anxiety, insomnia, lack of appetite, and inability to control your emotions are signs of poor mental health.

Mental health is important for everyone and there are several remedies recommendable to improve one's mental health.

It is always important for one to be aware of the cause to know how to handle the situation at hand, one of them being acceptance that something has happened.

It is advisable to talk and share your problems.

Doctors do recommend a visit to the therapist since they are professional in good listening, do not judge, and offer counselling.

Exercise is also another way that has been proven to be a good remedy for mental health. Exercise reduces feelings of stress & depression and improves your mood.

It is also a distraction and makes one physically active thus improving one's health in general.

Another major remedy is taking a break and relaxing. It is always important to take some free time to relieve your mind from a lot.

Being socially active and finding a hobby is also highly recommendable. By this, one gets to be out of their dark sad hours and do something else that makes you happy.

Other remedies are to make sleep a priority, set goals and priorities, practice gratitude, focus on positivity, and stay connected.

People with poor mental health, however, require full support. one can support them by listening without making judgments and concentrating on their needs at that moment.

Could also ask them what would help them, reassure them and signpost to practical information.

There are a lot of charities, organizations, and groups out there that do important work around men’s mental health and mental health more generally.