Man uses huge wedding to reveal crazy truth about his bride

He said that he had known the truth for sometime but wanted to reveal the truth during the wedding

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A large number of people from the ranks of relatives, friends and family of a rich man were left open-mouthed after a man invited them to a 5-star party to put a ring on his girlfriend but went down in a totally different manner.

The Italian man named Massimo Segre, 64, has been dating a beautiful woman named Christine Seymandi, 47.

Segre invited loved ones to witness the historic night where he was expected to marry Christine.

After the people had filled up and everyone had taken a break with their drinks in hand, Segre went on stage and took out a note from his pocket.

Many were happy, expecting that the message on that piece of paper was a beautiful love poem that he would read to his lover before going down on one knee and putting a ring on her. But it was not!

According to the Mirror magazine, Segre read a double-edged message revealing that throughout the time they have been dating, he was well aware that his lover was cheating on him with another man, and he felt it was good to tell her during their big event before leaving her.

"I want to give Cristina the freedom to love. Specifically, to love someone else; a famous lawyer, who cares more than I do."

"Dear Cristina, I know how much you love mentally and s@xually. I know that before that you had a relationship with a businessman acquaintance. Don't think that it pleases me to look like a goat in front of you all….”

"...Cristina is so good at telling the truth, that I couldn't leave her alone to tell the reason for ending our relationship together tonight. It's a bad story of infidelity, even before marriage. I'm very disappointed, I'm heartbroken," he finished.

Cristina has since responded to what she described as deliberate humiliation and "an act of psychological cruelty".

After the video of the shocking incident went viral, Cristina has been facing death threats, the Mirror said.