Politicians who praised youthful 'Occupy Parliament' protestors

The youth were protesting about the proposed Finance Bill 2024

On 18th June Kenyans took action to protest against the Finance Bill 2024 and its proposed taxes which are punitive to them.

The 'Occupy Parliament' organized by activists and participated by a lot of Kenyan youths, caught the attention of many.

Several politicians commented while congratulating the Kenyan youths especially for the Gen Zs for the initiative they took.

Raila Odinga

A titktok video of a Gen Z girl trended after she attended the protests and appreciated the times that Hon Raila Odinga used to lead on 'maandamanos'.

She urged him to rest and let them take from there as they fight for the rights of Kenyans, ''Agwambo please stay at home. We saw everything you did. We saw your efforts now let us do it.''

The video reached Hon Raila and he commented happily on it saying;

''I’m a very proud father today! Hongera sana to the young lady and all those who bravely stood up for their rights!''

Senator Ledama Olekina

The Narok senator took to his X social media page and sent love and support to Gen Z after they did the demonstrations yesterday.

''Way to Go Generation Z we will support you! The revolution will not be televised it will bite hard! Mad respect for Gen Z,'' he said.

He is also among those who voiced their opinions on rejecting the finance bill saying, ''You cannot lie to Kenyans that you have listed to them and have done away with a few punitive clauses.! The whole Finance Bill is dangerous, withdraw it.''

Babu Owino

As a result of the protests yesterday, several youths were arrested by the police deployed yesterday, most of them being taken to the central police station.

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino took the initiative to visit them demanding the release of the arrested  'occupy parliament' protestors.

''We are giving police 24 hours to release these peaceful protesters without charge or we will move to court against the Inspector General of Police Koome in his individual capacity for gross violation of the freedom of speech and the right to picket and protest which is enshrined in our Constitution 2010,'' he said in his speech.