Senator Crystal Asige testifies in her lawsuit against Sauti Sol

On May 21st, 2024, Senator Crystal Asige testified in a case seeking compensation from the popular music band Sauti Sol. 

She alleged that her disability and health concerns were ignored by the label.

Asige is an Azimio la Umoja nominated Senator, to the 4th Senate in the 13th Parliament representing persons with disabilities & Special Interest Groups. 

She is a visually impaired lady. She was also an ex-signee of Sauti Sol in their record label, Sol Generation.

Asige told the presiding judge that sometime in February 2019 they had a late-night studio session with Sauti Sol artists afterward the group accompanied her home in a taxi.

She added that during the ride she orally performed for Bien her original song composition hoping to get his response although she had not completed it.

Bien seemed to like it and later on, she forwarded the lyrics to him via WhatsApp for further feedback. However, Bien did not seem as excited any more and they never spoke about the song again.

She told the court that later she was shocked to hear her original composition being performed and recorded by the Sauti Sol boys under the studio album 'Midnight Trainwith just a few added lyrics.

The Senator said her original composition was then titled “Intro”, credited as a co-author when it is actually her original composition that was wrongfully from her and used without her consent. In addition, there was no attempt to share its revenue with her.

She testified that in 2019 the Sol Generations willfully took her around in circles, giving excuses and promising to give a contract.

Being visually impaired, she alleged that her health concerns were not taken into consideration. One time she had to undergo emergency eye surgery due to persistent pain but was brushed off by the group. Instead, they scheduled her to attend a meeting which nobody showed up for.

She took legal action against Sauti Sol in the year 2022. Her lawsuit sought to coerce the band to disclose the earnings from the songs she contributed to, including popular tracks like 'Lenga,' 'Extravaganza,' 'Ukiwa Mbali,and 'Intro.'

To mention the origins of her conflict with Sauti Sol, Asige disclosed that the group had asked her to leave the label, signaling an end to their collaboration.

Asige also claimed that she arranged and performed background vocals on Bensoul’s song, 'Favouritein 2019 which she never profited from.

Court documents revealed her request for compensation and a demand for Sauti Sol to provide all license information related to the songs in question.

Asige's new mixtape signifies a definite shift in sound for her local audience while it also represents a notable type of genre that can be embraced by her international fanbase.