The new demands Kenyans have for the president and his government

Kenyans have been carrying out online campaigns demanding sweeping changes in government

On today's morning show Mike Mondo and Mwalimu King'ang'i talked about the new demand Kenyans have for the president.

Kenyans have been carrying out online campaigns demanding sweeping changes in government, sacking any official ever charged or has the slightest whiff of graft.

Some new demands for Ruto include a lifestyle audit of flashy state officers, a review of salaries of MPs, abolishing funding to the First Lady, and Second Lady, creating more opportunities for the youth, reduce wastage in government, including travel among others.

Mike Mondo posed a question to the listeners, ''If all these demands were met, would you finally be happy? Would we finally exhale? Or it still wouldn't be enough?''

These are their opinions;

Mossy wa Kanyiri The government cannot meet all the demands of it's citizens. It can only manage. Majority of us do not want to pay taxes.

thangara_2elve Corruption is what is killing this country.All the presidents elected has failed to deal with it and now it's chocking this country to death.Ruto should take it head on to regain our confidence in him.

Frankkiprop It's high time we start holding our leaders accountable and start understanding that the role we put them in is not a get rich quick mechanism.

Mbadawe Government spending under President Ruto has increased significantly, with over Sh1.1 trillion spent on salaries, wages, and office maintenance in the 11 months through May. Start with cutting government expenditure