Heartbreaking! Maina and King'ang'i weigh in on yesterday's demos that left at least 10 dead

“Is anyone listening to what the Gen Zs are saying? Unajua hii kitu itakuja kutulemea. Hiyo ignorance!” - Mwalimu King’ang’i

During the Morning Conversation on Classic 105, Maina and King'ang'i m discussed the incidents that happened during yesterday's protests.

MainaKageni stated, ''What happened yesterday was heartbreaking So many things went through my mind. In the early hours of yesterday, it stopped being about the finance bill. Guys, I can understand why you are angry.''

The anti-Finance Bill protest took an ugly turn after several protesters were reportedly shot outside Parliament on Tuesday. 

The incident happened as the protesters attempted to access the Parliament Buildings on Tuesday.

Maina added, ''Kenya, on Tuesday, was engulfed in chaos and bloodshed as police battled protesters in major towns across the country, leaving dozens dead and property worth millions destroyed.''

He also said how protestors were able to push their way into the parliament building and vandalize it.

''What are your thoughts on yesterday?'' Maina asked.

Mwalimu King'ang'i said;

"There is something that the Gen Z’s are saying. Is anyone listening to what the Gen Zs are saying? Unajua hii kitu itakuja kutulemea. Hiyo ignorance,”

“Yesterday was a very big message out there and the international community has kept quite and no one is engaging the youth…Is anyone paying attention to this young men. Yesterday was a very big lesson for all of us. And someone said you don’t respond to a mosquito bite with a hummer.

“Are we going to reason together at some point coz there are those who are not being heard,” Mwalimu King’ang’i.

These are the people's opinions aired out;

Elvis Kibet How much does it cost to listen to the cries country? The large population against you will never be wrong. How many lives, and property must be lost lost in order to intervene the events? How important is the finance bill than the country's cries?

THE 2000 Very unfortunate, the police had to kill people Kithure kindiki said they would guide the peaceful protesters, but what we saw was a massacre.

Ambani son of ambani As we are talking now the president has nobody to govern but his so-called disciplined forces the citizens have declared that we don’t have a president we are on our own I call upon every gen z not to attend any government functions from yesterday onwards our parents don’t attend

Vincent korir MSc. The demos were peaceful until some bad elements took advantage. I hope tomorrow s or any other demos people come out peacefully and protest Once again peacefully.