Maina Kageni and King'ang'i's tips to protesters of Anti-finace bill as they go to the streets

In the morning show today Maina and King'ang'i spoke about the ongoing protests against the Finance Bill 2024.

Thousands of young citizens are protesting against tax proposals tabled by President William Ruto’s administration in its annual budget legislation.

Maina Kageni stated, ''Leo ni ile siku! Gen Z, what's the Agenda for today?''

''In anticipation of large-scale protests against the finance bill, several key roads leading to Parliament buildings have been closed off by security officers.''

Police water cannons and lorries have been used as barricades at key roundabouts leading to parliament.

With the fate of the finance bill hanging in the balance, all eyes are on Parliament as legislators prepare to debate it.

''Are you participating in today's demonstrations? Where will you be rejected from?'' asked Maina.

They advised Kenyans on how to carry themselves during the demos

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Here are the responses;

Alex Kagiri Silence is not always golden. Silence is betrayal. We need to fix this nation and not only the finance bill but also crooked politicians. I won’t calll them leaders. Good job.

Daniel Collins I am Daniel we are going out with my son and daughter to the streets, Last week i was there with them plus friend's. Today the same, we have water, snacks and enough to share with friend's. We home it will be successful.

Davidwaflowers Fear Gen. Z This generation is powerful educated and organized . And we are formless not having a leadership.

Joseph Munyi Goro Power is an illusion for those who with time have barricaded themselves as indispensable...we shall not only reject but force a totally new issue based dispensation.