PS Livestock - How govt. is helping to improve milk safety

Mueke also announced an upcoming Farmers' Field Day in Meru County, which will be open to both farmers and consumers.

LIvestock PS Jonathan Mueke
Image: Instagram

During an interview today with Maina Kageni, the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Jonathan Mueke, discussed measures being implemented to ensure safe milk for consumers.

He highlighted the importance of creating awareness among both consumers and farmers through the Kenya Dairy Board's safety education initiatives.

“We conduct numerous awareness campaigns with farmers, teaching them proper milk production practices. Where possible, we encourage the use of machines, and when not possible, we stress the importance of clean hands before milking,” Mueke said.

He also stressed the significance of using the right containers for milking. Farmers are encouraged to use stainless steel containers instead of plastic ones because plastic containers can retain bacteria even after washing.

“These measures are crucial in preventing illnesses because farmers play a significant role in the milk supply chain,” he said.

For consumers, Mueke noted that the Board raises awareness through various channels, including farmers' field days, social media, and mainstream media.

He encouraged consumers to buy processed milk, which has gone through formal safety checks.

He also announced an upcoming Farmers' Field Day in Meru County, which will be open to both farmers and consumers.

Mueke highlighted the benefits of milk, including providing calcium and potassium for strong bones and teeth, as well as preventing stunted growth in children.