Are doctors' demands actually fair-Mondo asks Kenyans

His question comes at a time when the president has said that there is no money for a salary increase

Mike Mondo
Image: Instagram

Sensational radio host Mike Mondo spoke about the ongoing doctors' strike.

He went to ask Kenyans if they agreed with the president, who addressed the issue and told the doctors that for the moment, there was no money for their salary increase and that they had to cope with the economy.

Mike then asked if doctors were reasonable or if they agreed with what was said by the president.

This is what the fellas had to say:

@mosy8019·10hAs a leader, he should negotiate with the doctors and at least save the LIVES of the HUSTLERS he desperately used as pawns when campaigning. Watu wa chini as he eloquently refered to them, are the ones who visits public hospitals.

@Solderwamundoro· @WilliamsRuto so rude and arrogant

@wekesam254·I think it would have been better if the involved group sat down and sorted out everything square coz on the ground things are not working out for the citizens

@BrilliantMkay·Yeah some how a totally agree with him cause this public hospitals they are not keen with patients and most treatment are on private hospitals not public

@Moigukiy·11hAbsolutely No

@Solderwamundoro· @WilliamsRuto so rude and arrogant

@wekesam254·I think it would have been better if the involved group sat down and sorted out everything square coz on the ground things are not working out for the citizens

@BrilliantMkay·Yeah some how a totally agree with him cause this public hospitals they are not keen with patients and most treatment are on private hospitals not public

@WMatamano·I agree with Mr zakayo 100% 

@Moigukiy·Absolutely No

.@jeshnjenger·And there is money to cater for the selfish needs of the politicians & CSs?!.

@bernardlan2·The government itself is unreasonable. Imagine taxpayers being tax leff, right and centre only for the money to be looted by the same politicians claiming to be reasonable. Doctors should not back down till their demands are granted.

Watch the video below: