Maina: Which young Kenyan leader would you vote for if they offered themselves for elections?

Many of those who contributed the the discussion mentioned names like; Babu Owino, Ndindi Nyoro, Mutula Kilonzo Jnr and Eric Omondi.

Maina Kageni and Mwalimu King'ang'i

Which young Kenyan leader would you vote for if they offered themselves for elections?

Smoothest Radio Station Classic 105, a question was asked to the fellas on which young Kenyan leader would they vote for if they offered themselves for elections.  

This question comes after the elections that took place in Senegal and Bassirou Diomaye Faye won making him the youngest African President.

Many of those who contributed the the discussion mentioned names like; Babu Owino, Ndindi Nyoro, Mutula Kilonzo Jnr and Eric Omondi. 

Here are some of the replies made by Netizens:

@Hassan853186075· Mulamwah

James@kuriajames021 If we as young Kenyans want change and development we must be willing to invest in the process. Guys, I think we need to start mobilising ourselves to turn out and vote, or vie for seats ahead of 2027. Prezo

@Tedd_daniel_snr·Me, myself and I morning from Narok

@GvnMutula My governor

@maa_leader·No debate on this Mimi ningekua ata mbunge imagine ningesema youths hata wafai kupiga Kura juu hao ndio wanauza nchi but anyway I would vote for you but you are old

@mc_tonje· Good morning Maina, My vote is for Babu Owino anytime.

@NdindiNyoro Focused and Sharp look at Kiharu and Wish that For Every other Part in Kenya

@itsWaisaka·1A duo ticket with Babu Owino and Ndindi Nyoro

@Makarios_Rotich·Good morning from Imara daima 

 @NdindiNyoro these are two great leaders who have developed their areas2

34Peter the Guy @m_mutua· Mutula junior1

@Makarios_Rotich· Eric Omondi for President. 

.@SirMoyi18480·11h Sifuna is a leader I would vote for him without 2nd thought. 

@Ibrahim_Muhoro·Sifuna all way up @HEBabuOwino without a doubt he's a visionary leader.