'I haven't talked to my wife in two years' stunned Maina told

Many callers opened up on how dramatic their marriages were

Maina Kageni
Image: Instagram

On Classic105, Maina and Mwalimu King'ang'i had a fascinating discussion about communication between married couples during the morning show.

What will cause you to quit talking to your spouse, and how long have you gone without doing so? was the day's question.

A caller from last week, who said that he hasn't spoken to his wife in three years despite the fact that they still live together, served as the impetus for the discussion.

Maina wanted to understand what exactly made people stop talking to people who once made them very happy and asked listeners to help in understand it.

The listeners were quick to answer the question this is what they had to say.

The first caller had this to say;

"Ilifika point hatuongei, hatujakosana ni tumeamua kunyamza tu, ego yake iko juu yangu iko juu na yangu pia iko juu. I walked out of the marriage nilichoka kuka bila kuongeleshwa nikamuondokea huyo mwanaume."

Another added;

"I haven't been talking to my wife for the past 2 years, she is very disrespectful she only comes to me when she wants something. I  underwent surgery, and she stayed with me in the hospital then kurudi nyumbani akarudi vile tulikuwa tumenyamaziana. She has been sleeping on the sofa, pride iko juu sana. nilifukuza akaenda akanishtaki kwa chief akarudi."

The next said;

"Inafika mahali unachoka na yeye, hamusalimiani, hamuongei, unajaribu kumuuliza whats wrong hakuambi kasi ni kusema achana na mimi unajua mtu anachoka. Unaon aile kidogo tunawafanyia haappreciate, wanaanza si ungefanya kitambo, I stopped caring. we've stayed 4 months without talking."

The last caller of the day said;

"Utaulizaje mtu kwanini haongei for 3 years huyo si mtoto umbembeleze sana. We still leave in the same house lakini nikamwambia akitaka kuleta mwanaume yeye alete mimi nishachoka. Niliwalk out and gave her space, akauza nyumba na shamba akanifwta sai tunaishi pamoja na hatuongei tena. Hataki kuenda and I'm not making the same mistake of walking away."