Do women need men to be happy? Concerned Mike Mondo asks

Mike Mondo
Image: Instagram

Mike Mondo and Mwalimu King'ang'i raised an intriguing topic regarding whether women actually needed a guy in their lives to survive or if they could manage on their own during the morning discussion on Classic105 today.

'Do you need a man to be happy?' was the day's query.

The discussion was sparked by some women Mike spotted at the event who sat sedately in a VIP booth, paid for their own beverages, enjoyed themselves, and then left without even attempting to look for a man to go with them.

Below are some of the reactions by Kenyans to Mike's initial question;

"Wanawake wakona pesa wanaringa wanasema hawataki wanaume, pesa ikiisha ndio watataka wanaume, nataka kuambia proffesor Mwalimu acha kutetea hawa watu, wanawakewanahitaji wanaume."

Another added;

" I love women who can do life on their own, the fact that men can do it on their own also means women have the right to do things on their own, I am that type of woman, if I want to buy a car I go buy it, I want a piece of land I go do that yet I'm a married woman I do things consulting my husband and my husband is proud of me. I am a counselling psychologist and I want to encourage women to do things on their own, you can do it without consulting a man."

The last caller said;

"Fertility comes from men, ata wakianza mambo mingi they still need us. Ukiona huyo mama akona gari kubwa ni mwanaume ndio anashughulikia hiyo gari, mwananume ndio anachange tyre na yeye ndio anafuel gari. Mike we all need each other, you should change the question to do really women need marriages  not men, we all need each other akuwe indepent or not lazma mwanaume akuwe around."

Below are some of the tweets from some of the listeners who didn't get an opportunity to call.

@KellyMangoa -They seriously need men only they're competing on the wrong platforms

@mc_tonje -Let me tell you Mike, a union is a beautiful thing and that's why God created the institution of marriage.

@JadeMutunga -We women we can survive on our own. It's not really necessary for a woman to have a man beside her so that things can run smoothly. Men are said to be the head of everything but women are the pillars that hold everything together.

@nyakundi_omurwa -What a woman needs from a man is a sense of belonging, support, and validation. Women don't need a man to do things for them today but to partner with them to face life's challenges better. The question “Do women need men” depends on your views on life

@helenMaIgnatius·10m-Nowadays man's status means nothing. We are hardworking ladies we can do without this Kwa service we need them.