Maina Kageni: A woman will never treat you bad if you treated her well when you had money

A caller said a man's respect depends a lot on the depth and size of your pocket

Maina Kageni
Maina Kageni

Maina Kageni is asking men if they've felt neglected by the women they loved once they went broke.

The radio personality on the Morning Conversation said apparently, a lot of women treat their men like nothing once they go broke.

"Guys, who told you there can be respect without money? A woman will persevere for a while but after she sees you are not getting back on your feet she will leave," he said.


"Kenyan men let me tell you something, a woman will never treat you bad if you treated her well when you had money."

His co-host, Mwalimu King'ang'i disagreed,  "Maina, money comes and goes! But love remains. Imagine a man who doesn't drink, respects you, loves you!"

A caller said, 'Modern ladies have this slogan 'No money, no respect.' Your respect depends a lot on the depth and size of your pocket. Money doesn't buy you love in relationships. It is only needed in a relationship when all love is lost."

Check out social media users' reactions;

David Ogeto: Financial stability wachia wenye pesa, marriages work when both spouses are willing to make it work

Paul Banks: Morning what happened to what a man can do a woman can do better narrative when it comes to money they fold hands but bit other jobs they rise up in arms let's not break homes cause we shall have a Rouge nation courtesy of maina making children grow with no morals of hardwork

Njeri Ndirangu: If a man treated me well when he had the money definitely when he goes broke I'll treat and take care him well....but if he never bothered about me and my upkeep why should I also bother???????....Maina love without money is a scam.

Rogers: Maina mapenzi bila pesa haiwezi,,and men we are beginning to loose our culture,,ile siku utaanza kwenda kwa in-laws kama kwenu,that's when you completely d.At the end mkishazoeana na wao ufukuzwe unaanza kuja uku kutulilia.

Maureen Nzau: Your money is ours but mine is mine ....once you treat your woman well nguvu ya kukuficha shilingi itatoka wapi

Janet Muthoni: But I think si vibaya to support your man when he's down...if he used to take very good care of you when he had money but kama you ain't taking care of me hapo sasa i cant help you too..#MainaAndKingangi

Tsumah: Women are like cars, choose one that you can maintain, there's no love without money. Kama unaweza maintain vitz, wacha kutamani V8 and if you can't afford a car tumia matatu.