Maina Kageni: What happens if a husband wants more babies?

''When the lady refuses to add more babies and the man wants more, what do you do in that situation?'' Maina went on to ask.

Today morning, Maina Kageni and Mwalimu Kinga'ng'i had a discussion on the number of babies married people plan to have and whose decision it is.

Maina had asked, ''When you get married, ladies, or when you decide to make a certain situation permanent, who is supposed to decide how many babies you are supposed to have?''

They went on to engage on a call with one of the show's listeners who said, ''If the man is financially stable and can take care of more children, then why not?''

''When the lady refuses to add more babies and the man wants more, what do you do in that situation?'' Maina asked the listeners.

Below are different opinions from Kenyans who responded to the conversation;

Jennifer Kanyiri Before even getting the first one,,a discussion must be there inorder to come to an agreement after considering many factors,,and after getting the number of kids agreed,,if he dare try to go against it,,I'll put all measures as a lady not to get another one.

Patr Wain that's where money comes in her opinion doesn't count I can spread my seeds every county so long as am providing for them.doesnt matter how many.

Ellikins Llama Absolutely as long as can provide give him as many children as he wants.

reypatrp Her opinion doesn't count that's where money comes in a man can impregnate as many women as he wants so long as he caters for the kids needs