President Ruto joins Osama Otero's X-Space after his failed thrice

Kenyans face hard time accessing Ruto's X Space

President Ruto joins Osama's X-Space after his failed thrice

President William Ruto is currently speaking to Kenyans via X-Spaces as he strives to address questions being directed at him.

The Head of State is being hosted by Osama Otero –a Twitter bigwig who has been a big critic of the Kenya Kwanza government in recent times.

However, the move has been interpreted as a betrayal to the many X-Users who were siding with him in most of his tweets.


Many who joined the conversations have expressed their displeasure at Otero’s act of accepting to host the President in his Space.

Earlier on, Otero and a few of his friends had promised to run a parallel X-Space but that did not happen after Otero who was supposed to be the host chickened out.

Most tweets on X-are now castigating Otero for allegedly being in Bed with the government while fooling his followers that he is anti-government.


The Space was supposed to run from 2 pm to 5pm but technical challenges made the conversation to delay.

Several Kenyans were unable to access Ruto's X space which was scheduled to start at 2 pm.

But 30 minutes later,  several attempts to access it brought feedback stating "could not fetch space".