Why Salasya celebrated his mom by buying her furniture

His gifts came on the weekend when the world was marking International Mother's Day

Peter Salasya with his mom
Image: Courtesy

Various people took to social media to celebrate their mothers, some uploading pictures of gifts and nice things they did for their female parents on that special day.

East Mumias MP Peter Salasya was among those who took to social media to celebrate mothers on their day.

Salasya uploaded a photo together with his mother and some gifts he gave her to appreciate her on the big day.

The jovial MP bought his mother valuable furniture including a bed, chairs, and a table, and didn't hesitate to give reasons why he decided to do so.

According to him, he wanted to make his mother feel even prouder and to beautify her home, even more than his own.

"Today I decided to celebrate her differently by ensuring she sleeps in a good bed and making sure her house looks more modern than mine hehe. Happy mother's day," Salasya wrote to his mother.

Mother's Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May; therefore, the date changes every year.