Why men never say no to a woman who throws themselves to them - Maina

Maina Kageni was left in shock after a lady friend asked him why men never say no to sexual advances from women

Maina Kageni
Image: Instagram

Maina Kageni was left in shock after a lady friend asked him why men never say no to sexual advances from women.

"I met a lady yesterday who asked why can't men say NO. If a woman throws herself at you, why can't you say no?"

Mwalimu King'ang'i added "Maina we are not wired that way! Fellas, why can't you say no?" 

A caller said "Maina men are the most weakest people on earth. The word No is not in their dictionary."

Check out Netizen's reactions;


June Moraa: wanaume ni mafisi tu..bt nway its nature,so allow them answr the call of nature in peace

Ann Njenga: You should learn how to say no ,otherwise ladies will always take advantage of you coz you are weak. Men know women can say no even if you are on your knees ,she will say no,why is it difficult for them to say no ,where is self respect and principle 

Simba Ya Luvinii: Saying No is the difficult option among us maina, kwanza kawe Mali safi ni hivooo# MainaAndKingangi

Brian Wanjama: One historically documented case is Joseph saying a big no to Potifah’s wife. Look how it ended were it not for the mighty hand of the Ebeneza, he’d have rotted in jail. Sembuse wewe?

Jenniffer Kanyiri: The nature level of lust in men can't let them say NO to these adavances, coz truly they belong to fisi sacco,, nothing more