Medical interns sleep outside Afya House

Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Davji Atellah previously said that the union has been holding a series of meetings to implement the return-to-work formula at Kenyatta National Hospital and the Ministry of Health.

Yesterday Kenyan medical interns and practitioners protested at the Ministry of Health offices in Afya House  with the hashtag ''Occupy MOH'. 

‘Nakhumicha must go!’, several placards read, referring to Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha.

“We have come to occupy MoH to declare we are tired. We are tired for being taken for granted. Our future cannot be held hostage,” they remarked.

The interns issued a clear ultimatum to the Ministry of Health, demanding immediate posting for all interns stating that it should not be done in batches.

They warned that they would occupy the Ministry of Health headquarters until their grievances were addressed.

They were protesting several issues, including inadequate working conditions, low salaries, and a lack of resources.

Medics camping at Afya House

They demanded better pay, improved facilities, and increased staffing to enhance patient care.

The protests aimed to draw attention to the challenges faced by medical interns and advocate for necessary reforms within the healthcare system.

“Fellow Kenyans, medical interns do real work. Our labour generates income for the system, and that is why we are saying no to impunity! Punda amechoka! We stood with you during the Finance Bill Protests, and now it is your time to stand with us,” they attested.

In the evening, they lit candles and flashlights to continue with the protest into the night despite the light showers experienced in the city.

At night they were seen with mattresses, duvets and sleeping bags camping outside Afya House.

Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Davji Atellah previously said that the union has been holding a series of meetings to implement the return-to-work formula at Kenyatta National Hospital and the Ministry of Health.

According to Atellah, the internship posting debacle was to be resolved within 60 days as per the 2017 CBA.

Atellah stated, "As we all know, the 60 days end on the 7th of July 2024. So far we are in agreement with the Ministry of Health that interns must be posted as per CBA 2017 before the lapse of the 60-day negotiation window as per our Return to Work Formula."