King'ang'i: I should have been a rally driver!

The Classic105 morning duo were really impressed with the way the Safari Rally was held.

Maina Kageni and Mwalimu King'ang'i

Maina Kageni and Mwalimu King'ang'i have talked about the Safari Rally that took place in Naivasha.

The two talked about how the Safari Rally cars each had their own helicopter following them and this was shocking to them.

"Kuna jamaa alikuwa karibu kungongwa hapo alikuwa anasema nimekufaaa!" Mwalimu said.

Maina then said, "Yule alianguka, na gari imepoteza control, what is wrong with us?"

Mwalimu stated, "Kila mtu amekuwa reporter, ndio hiyo nimekufa, akaroll hapo akabaki ameroll.

Maina continued to say, "I saw that thing, I swear we need to be careful in those things, those things it only takes one second for everything to go wrong."

Mwalimu added, "Hiyo sio Subaru ya kawaida, hiyo ni machine, nut mimi the highlight ya huyo jamaa anaendesha helicopter, kuna jamaa alikuwa anaendesha helicopter alikuwa anafuata  kagari ka kwanza."

Maina told Mwalimu, "Every team has got a helicopter."

Mwalimu said, "Kuna moja ya blue inafuata number one.

Maina emphasised, "All teams have their own helicopters following their cars."

Mwalimu said, "Hata za Kenya? Barabara ni zetu, gari ni zetu lakini tukiingia hapa ni kama mambo ya golf unatrain hapa Muthaiga but you cannot beat the mzungu  lakini vile niliona wanaendesha hiyo gari Maina."

Maina continued, "Hao ni wendawazimu wewe, you can you drive it that fast."

"Wajuwa kuna kagear kengine kako hapo hivi, "Mwalimu continued.

Maina then said, "You're so jazzed with that thing?" 

Mwalimu then said, "I loved it, kwanza huyo jamaa wa blue anaiteremsha hadi chini anaenda hivi aaah my dream was to be a Safari Rally guy now ndio nimerealize."

Maina said sarcastically, "Gari yako King'ang'i KBJ."

Mwalimu said, "Ni support sikupata, I should have been a Safari Rally driver mimi. Patrick  Njiru hapo ndio hapo ndio angenichukulia, anapiga corner anatoa miguu anasalimia watu kwa corner."

They then both concluded by saying, "WRC well done! Well done! That was work well done."