Callers confess to Maina Kageni and King'ang'i about choosing the wrong partners to marry

I feel like I got married to the man I loved, but not the Maina who loved me – Caller to Maina

Maina Kageni and Mwalimu King'ang'i discussed how some women feel like they chose the wrong partners to settle with.

''This lady has been going out with another man for eight years and she has got no intention of leaving him,'' Maina said.

Maina added that the woman said, “If my husband caught me and asked me to choose between him and the other man, I'd choose that other man in a heartbeat”.

They also got on a call with one of the listeners who talked about her current relationship, ''I feel like I got married to the man I loved but not the man who loved me.''

Maina posed a question to the listeners regarding the topic, ''A lot of women feel they made a mistake in choosing their current partners. If you were to go back in time ladies, would you be with your current partner?''

Some had to react by saying;

Jennifer Kanyiri Why stay in a marriage with a man whom you don't love and go to the extent of cheating on him for all these years? Move out instead of doing this to him.

Tonisho Samuel, she maintains na huyo wake juu huyu anaendea pia Ako na wake. Listening from Kangemi

Rodgers Thanks for choosing the other person Being single is nice btw Mimi nitafute pesa na girlfriend watatu wanizalie nitalea.

flizzy fliv Ladies find someone who is your lover and best friend, don't just say yes because of of love you'll regret forever.

Tonisho Samuel If I have to go back, I won't choose anyone juu soko ni chafu. I'll rather remain single.