Let's get married to men of substance acheni jokes - King Kalala to ladies

They also act as a reflection of you and define you together with how the relationship will be.

Social media commentator King Kalala recently took to her social media platforms urging ladies to have standards on whom they choose to be in a relationship with. 

She was reacting to how pissed she has been at girls who make poor decisions in the dating pool.

She gave out some important tips from her opinion, saying, ''Ladies let's get into a culture whereby when choosing someone to get married to, chagua mtu akona substance," 

King Kalala, a Kenyan digital creator and media personality, advised ladies to date or get married to men of high caliber, good reputation, and respected in society.

''Let's get married to men of substance acheni jokes!'' Kalala said.

This is after she noticed how some ladies just date without considering standards. She wants those types of ladies who have men who are addressed without titles like Dr, Professor, etc., to work on that. 

She added that the person one engages in a relationship with also determines who one becomes in the future.

They also act as a reflection of you and define you together with how the relationship will be. 

When a lady dates a man with a good title and is respectful, she will also receive the same admiration from people. 

Just as Kalala said, for instance in a function or event, your spouse will be on VIP chairs with other VIPs and not given any shoddy work like 'kuosha matumbo' -quoting her statement.

If a lady wants to be treated well and has high standards, she will not compromise herself for men who are nothing. Most times your title says a lot about you.  It brings the perception to people on how to handle you and address you.

Netizens gave different reactions to her opinion. Most women agreed with her words with no doubt. Others still wanted her to clarify on those important titles and those that were not.