Samidoh: I want a babe that when we part at the bus station, she chases that matatu I am in, crying

This humourous statement came shortly after it was revealed that the artist was in the United States to visit his family.

Samidoh Muchoki
Image: Instagram

Mugithi artist Samidoh has opened up about what he wants in his life moving forward, saying that he has realized that years are slipping away.

Through his Facebook page last weekend, Samidoh wrote that he has realized that time is not on his side, and now he wants fewer things, particularly a woman to give him true love.

Samidoh said that what he wanted now was to have a woman with whom when they parted ways, she would run on foot after the bus he had boarded.

"As the years go by, now I don't want many things! I want a babe, and when we part at the bus station, she chases that matatu I am in, crying😜" Samidoh joked.

This humourous statement came shortly after it was revealed that the artist was in the United States to visit his family.

Pictures surfaced online showing Samidoh with his children and his wife Edday Nderitu in Boston, USA, sparking widespread discussions.

It is worth noting that Edday Nderitu recently strongly criticised Samidoh, accusing him of taking his lover Karen Nyamu to a house they allegedly built together in their village.

Edday stated that this act disrespected her and revealed that Samidoh would only see their children on social media, emphasizing that she would not allow him to approach them.

However, it was ironic to see Samidoh meeting the children and even hugging them, indicating that Edday's remarks may have only been fueled by anger.