Kenyan lady dumps man after he visited empty-handed

The lady ended up cutting him off completely because she felt he was not someone worth respect.

Disappointed lady
Image: Image by cookie_studio on Freepik

A woman from Kenya described her disappointment after inviting a man over to her house.

Anelle Amani, a woman, posted a description of the incident on her Facebook page. She claimed that the man had arrived at her home without any gifts, which she found offensive.

Amani got up early to clean the house and prepare a wonderful supper for her visitor, as she always does when someone is expecting a visitor.

She claimed it took her five hours to prepare the meal, but she didn't mind because she loved the man so much.

She was dismayed to see that the man had not brought anything for her when he finally arrived.

“When he came, he just came empty-handed. Not even fruits in his hands. No shopping,” Amani said.

Immediately, Amani said she lost interest in the man but she still welcomed him.

“I served the food, we ate and drank. He is the black label guy so I went out of my way to get the drink for this man,” She said.

However, upon leaving, the man still didn’t leave anything for the lady.

“When he was leaving my house, he just left. No money,” she said.

According to Amani, she was upset by the man since she had been raised to visit people with something at hand.

“What I know and how I was raised is that you cannot visit people empty-handed because you are going to eat there and in case you go empty-handed, you have to leave some token behind,” Amani said.

“I judged that man completely and I immediately knew he was not someone I would want to establish anything with.”

Sharing screenshots of her conversations with the man, Amani ended up cutting him off completely because she felt he was not someone worth respecting.

“If I can feed you, what do I need you for? I also felt he did not appreciate me at all. I cooked guys. I cooked,” she said.

She praised Kalenjin and Luhya men adding that they will always bring food to the table.

“I have never seen these men fail to bring food. For me, my relationship rule is that you bring, I cook, you eat. I don't want a reverse of roles,” she said.

“I can't bring, cook, and a man eats. I lose respect for a man immediately the moment I am buying things and he consumes.”