'Samidoh ni mtu wa kunyima surely!' Karen Nyamu unashamedly says

The politician was being accused of being immoral

Samidoh and Karen Nyamu
Image: Instagram

Renowned lawyer and nominated senator Karen Nyamu has responded with a joke after being accused of immorality.

The mother of three had posted on Facebook when a netizen commented expressing her deep love for her.

“Napenda tu moyo wako, imagine huyu mhesh ni roho safi ukimsikiza vizuri."

Below the comment, another Facebook user commented in what appeared to be a warning indicating that the UDA senator was engaging in adultery.

"Anapeana kupeana hama," the netizen wrote.

The statement undoubtedly reached the controversial politician who seemed to just laugh at it, but at the same time, took the opportunity to emphasize her loyalty to his lover, musician Samuel Muchoki aka Samidoh.

Karen wrote, "Samidoh ni mtu wa kunyima surely."

The exchange
Image: Screengrab

In an interview last month, Nyamu indicated that despite all the drama in her relationship life, she is a very loyal woman and only fights for Samidoh because he is the father of her children.

The politician surrounded by drama noted that she does not cause trouble because of love but because she wants his children to feel recognized and accepted.

"My children grow up in that environment, at no time will I allow my children to feel like smaller children than others, that my children cannot be cared for by their father but others can be cared for even though they know their father and have a relationship.

I want to modify the environment of my children as much as possible so that they have parents who love them until the time when it will no longer be possible, if that time comes, I will have tried every time so I will not regret it," she said.

Nyamu also denied allegations of breaking Samidoh's marriage and of 'stealing' the Mugiithi singer from his wife of many years, Edday.

"I have never stolen a wife's husband, again that man, I have children with him and he loves children. If you want to argue and disagree with him, try to separate him from his children, all of them," she said.

The senator pointed out that he had been able to take care of both hers and Edday's houses for many years.