Interesting facts about Boniface Mwangi's life

Over the years, he has been detained multiple times for advocating justice and exposing corruption and human rights abuses among powerful leaders.

Boniface Mwangi is a prominent Kenyan photojournalist, politician, and social-political activist known for his courageous documentation of Kenya's post-election violence in 2007 and 2008.

His journey towards activism began in his youth, marked by moments of defiance and advocacy.

In 1995, Boniface fled school to Mombasa, only to be arrested and remanded to Kabete Juvenile Remand Home.

His activism continued at Othaya Approved School in 1997, where he led a strike that resulted in physical punishment and mistreatment.

Expelled in 1998 for petitioning Home Affairs Minister Mr. Shariff Nassir to address their school's deplorable conditions, Boniface's path led him to join the Standard Media Group in 2005 as a freelance photographer.

His coverage of the 2007/2008 post-election violence garnered acclaim, solidifying his reputation.

In 2012, Boniface founded PAWA254, a creative hub in Kenya fostering social change through journalism, art, and activism.

boniface Mwangi

Over the years, he has been detained multiple times for advocating justice and exposing corruption and human rights abuses among powerful leaders.

His accolades include winning the CNN Multichoice Africa Photojournalist of the Year Award twice and being the youngest Prince Claus Laureate.

Recognized by New African Magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential Africans in 2014 and 2016, he is also a senior TED Fellow.

Time magazine named him a Next Generation Leader in 2015, and he was selected among Kenya’s Top 40 under 40 men in 2016.

Boniface previously vied for the MP position in Starehe Constituency, where he spent much of his youth, although unsuccessfully.

Currently, he is a prominent figure in the protests against the Finance Bill 2024, playing a pivotal role as one of the leading activists in the 'Occupy Parliament' movement.

Boniface's life and activism were documented in the 2020 documentary.