Maina concerned about how MPs will vote on Finance Bill

The overwhelming majority is against much of the proposed bill

Mwalimu King'ang'i and Maina Kageni discussed today's voting on the Finance Bill in Parliament.

Maina stated, "As MPs prepare to debate and vote on the contentious Finance Bill, 2024 on Tuesday, Kenyans are gearing up for a sit-in at Parliament buildings to oppose the proposed new taxes."

"A week from now, the bill might have passed. What will you do?" he further asked. King'ang'i expressed concern, saying, "My biggest worry is our politicians and MPs are silent. This is going! What will you do if your MP doesn't vote against it? How will you stop it?"

Kucheey Frekuz: NOTHING but wait until 2027 to vote him out. It's time we stop electing leaders based on party affiliation. We need to empower the President to act independently. Elect leaders who prioritize our interests over everything.

Jennifer Kanyiri: I can do nothing because I have no power or means to prevent him from voting for it. As voters, we have no way to control our politicians' actions in Parliament.

James Maroa: Maina, we don't have a problem with Ruto as an individual. He has already let us down. Now, we are watching the MPs. If they vote yes, we will remember in 2027 and vote them out early in the morning. Ruto won't be there to help them.

Kiplimo Arap Maswai: The bill will pass automatically, Maina. As much as Kenya first, lawmakers must attend the debate. However, it will be difficult for Kenyans to reject the proposed bill.