Cops told to charge MP over fatal shooting of rider in Thika

Detectives have been trying to get the lawmaker to record his statement regarding the incident, but their efforts have been in vain.

Residents scamper for safety after alleged supporters of an MP and MCA clashed in Kiganjo, Kiambu county on May 17, 2024
Image: Courtesy

Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) headquarters are pursuing an MP in connection with a shooting incident in Thika.

On Friday, the DCI announced they were seeking the MP after murder charges were approved against him.

“He has not been found so far, and we intend to apply for a warrant to arrest him,” said a highly placed source aware of the issue.

Detectives have been trying to get the lawmaker to record his statement regarding the incident, but their efforts have been in vain.

Officers who attempted to register the case before a Kiambu court and obtain the arrest warrant were asked to return on Tuesday for further directions.

This delay occurred because Justice Dorah Chepkwony, who was to hear the case, was unavailable at the time.

The MP, a licensed gun holder, was not in a life-threatening situation that would justify the shooting, police said.

The incident on May 17 resulted in one person dead and several others injured following a violent confrontation between rival groups in Thika, Kiambu County.

Chaos erupted when supporters of MP Alice Ng’ang’a clashed with those of Kamenu MCA Peter Mburu at a market scene.

David Nduati, 26, was shot dead, while Anthony Kamau was injured when a bullet lodged in his chest and punctured a vital organ.

Assistant Commissioner Philomena Nzioki was also injured in the melee. She was treated and later discharged from the hospital.

Spent cartridges were found at the scene. Witnesses reported that an MP fired shots, which police suspect hit the protesters.

A team of detectives was established to investigate the incident, requesting all politicians present to surrender their licensed weapons for ballistic tests.

Bodyguards of the politicians and other officers who used weapons, if any, were also required to surrender them.

Two other Members of Parliament were among the witnesses questioned by detectives.

The incident led to a protest in the town days later, with demonstrators demanding action against those responsible for the shooting.