Maina Kageni questions the beef between the KDF and the Kenyan Police

During this conversation on the morning show, the listeners had a lot to say on the topic.

On today's morning show, Maina Kageni discussed about the rising issue of the Kenya Defence Forces beefing with the National Police. 

Apparently, KDF officers view the the Kenya Police as inferior to them.

Maina asked, "What is this beef between the army and the police? What’s the genesis of this beef?"

The supremacy battles between the military and the police reared its ugly head yet again over the weekend after several Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) soldiers attacked two police officers in Westlands, Nairobi County according to one of our local dailies.

During this conversation on the morning show, the listeners had a lot to say on the topic. 

Read the comments below.

Hillary Kishy Just over a week ago another incident in Turkana County Lodwar town where the KDF were on their way from town. They found the Traffic cops somewhere along the road collecting bribes. The KDF stopped by and grabbed the traffic cops Double cab pickup and went with it to their camp.

Kevin sossion The pride of defending country and the whip of embezzlement of your country men.

Kiakha M Chanchima Lamech Police officers forgot their mandate and instead focused on Harassing mwananchi, extortion and collection of illegal taxes. They've finally met their match and discipline master, KDF. I support KDF for their actions, and discipline must be restored in NPS.

Mun.ga1 Everyone is superior in their own grounds na heshima idumu,,soon kukiendelea hivi hata Hawa soldier wanatupeanga direction Tao wataanza kutudanganya directions.

Ogolahokech Sounds like we have indiscplined security agencies who can't work together to keep us all safe.