Why do ladies leave their children-Stunned Maina asks

The question elicited a lot of interesting reactions from listeners

Maina Kageni told a touching story saying, "There's a man whose wife abandoned him and their child who was months old and she has never returned. There has to be a reason as to why a woman would just walk away and abandon a baby who is less than a year old"

Maina and King'ang'i discussed about this emerging issue of women running away, leaving behind their children who are so young they are still lactating.

Mwalimu King'angi'i contributed on the conversation saying, "Unaniachia mtoto anahitaji kunyonya nifanye nini sasa? Unaenda wapi?"

Maina further asked the listeners an important question, "Ladies, what prompted you to make that decision? Do you wonder how your child is doing? Do you ever think of going back for them?"

Many had some interesting views to give based on experiences.

Read the comments below;

Jennifer Kanyiri It's so disheartening to leave a little child behind when you move out of marriage,,as that kid is denied motherly care and love at an early age,,this really affect child's life totally.

Willy Mutunga Am a victim but trust me Maina I dealt with the problem thoroughly and forgot about the lady and even instilled bad blood btw my boy and mother ..the boy doesn't want even to see her and he is now 11yrs old.

Wethesintovy The pain in that mans voice, i pray he gets closure some day and find peace Alafu huyo last caller eiiii uiiii Am done!

๐’€๐’‚๐’”๐’”๐’Š๐’ Maina those women who leave their kids suffer from a condition known as NPD(narcissistic personality disorder) people with this condition only care about themselves and believe they don't have to suffer because of anyone else.

lonewolf Gibson No man deserves to marry such a cold-hearted woman,even if they had differences with the man that doesn't justify the evil act she did to the young baby.

Kironji_muteo Si huchoka na wanaume sana.

Mutwirieric You will never justfy leaving you child,,no way you know someone is bad en you leave your kid with them,they dont love you,how sure they will love your kid?they leaves kids for their own interests, they're mean,they dont want baggage,they wanna be free,go out without worryin about the kid,get married again en life moves on,,but it will hunt you forever,,ask me what my mum did,now that she' got cancer she's back looking for kids she doesn't know even what they look like,,its a shame,its not justifiable