Maina Kageni: You are not broke, you are responsible.

Maina Kageni
Image: Instagram

Maina Kageni has encouraged men who feel they do not have enough resources.

According to Maina, going 'broke' after paying bills doesn't make you irresponsible.

" If you are sitting there beating yourself up because you feel that you do not have enough resources and that you feel that you have failed in life.

Please remember this, if you run out of money after paying all the bills and taking care of your home, you are not broke you are responsible."

Maina added,

"Can I hear an Amen, Don't beat yourself up, we cannot all be millionaires, billionaires but we can all be responsible."

Maina continued to add that what is important is putting in the work.

"All you need is to apply a little bit of effort maybe expand your horizons, diversify but if you run out of money after paying all your bills and taking care of your home. you are not broke you are responsible, never forget that,"Maina concluded his statement.