'I actually died!' Stevo Simple Boy reveals crazy childhood story

He also revealed that during his early years, he did not have a happy and carefree childhood like every other child.

Stevo Simple Boy
Image: Instagram

For the first time, artist Stevo Simple Boy has opened up about his childhood – something many have been curious about without finding answers.

Stevo revealed that during his early years, he did not have a happy and carefree childhood like every other child.

He explained that his childhood was dominated by illness, to the extent that his biological mother once thought he had died but later recovered.

In a surprising revelation that has left his fans with many questions, the artist shared that at one point, he fell seriously ill to the point of death but later came back to life.

How did it happen?

"When I was a young child, I was seriously ill, to the point of death, to be honest. I actually died. But through the grace of God, He restored my life. My biological mother had taken me to the hospital, and she said, 'He's gone.' I was injected and given medicine, but they didn't work. However, through God's salvation, I came back to life," explained Stevo.

The artist also disclosed that when he took his eighth-grade exam, he couldn't continue with his education because he didn't perform well enough to join high school.

"I grew up in Oyugis, attended school from kindergarten to seventh grade, and from there, I came to Nairobi, Kibera, where I completed eighth grade, but I didn't pass. I started my music career in Oyugis, but I came to Nairobi to seek more skills," said Stevo.

Responding to those who mock him for his appearance, Stevo addressed them, saying, "Do not judge people; God knows why He created Stevo and blessed him with grace."