Ps. Ezekiel: People who wear t-shirts with the Africa logo won't get married

He explained that all clothes have spiritual significance and affect the wearer's destiny.

Pastor Ezekiel at a recent church service
Image: Courtesy

Pastor Ezekiel Odero of the New Life Prayer Center church has sparked a debate after claiming that a certain pattern on T-shirts can destroy marriages and relationships.

Pastor Ezekiel in a video clip that has spread on the internet was seen prophesying a star to a believer in his service.

The believer was wearing a shirt with an African flag logo on the front, a logo that Pastor Ezekiel strongly reprimanded, saying that it is a symbol of those who are against marriage.

According to the controversial pastor, t-shirts with such logos tend to prevent the star of marriage for anyone who dares to wear them.

The pastor told the young man not to wear the t-shirt again claiming it was for divorcees.

“Usivae tena kitambaa hiki. Yeyote anayevaa t-shirt hii hataolewa au kuoa. Ni kwa watu walioachwa tu. Usinunue nguo hiyo popote unapoikuta inauzwa. Najua wafanyabiashara watanichukia, lakini hakuna kitambaa ambacho hakina maana.” 

(Do not wear this cloth again. Whoever wears this T-shirt will never marry or get married. It is only for the abandoned people.

Don't buy that dress wherever you find it for sale. I know the traders will hate me, but no fabric is useless)

He explained that all clothes have spiritual significance and affect the wearer's destiny.

Citing an example, Pastor Ezekiel said that retired president Uhuru Kenyatta changed his clothes as soon as he entered the State House, saying that there are some clothes that a person wears that are a sign of welcoming evil in their lives.

"Each fabric has a soul that makes you fall in love with it. Remember, before Uhuru Kenyatta became president he wore many clothes, but when he became president, he was told to wear blue suits and red ties. That red tie means leadership," he said.