Pastor Ezekiel: A woman who wakes up after her man isn't a good 'wife'

According to the man of God, a woman should wake up before her man.

Pastor Ezekiel

How much do you love your sleep?

Pastor Ezekiel now says women who love sleeping are not good 'wives.'

According to the man of God, a woman should wake up before her man.

"A woman who sleeps even after her husband has woken up is not a good woman because a man shouldn't wake up before his wife. This is because the woman is supposed to be the light of the family. She should be the first one to wake up and prepare kids for school, do house chores, and even prepare breakfast for her husband. "

Ezekiel added

"But if you wake up before your wife and she still sleeps, I am sorry for you... The Bible says a wise woman wakes up early in the morning and she is a precious stone to her husband... That is not a wife," he said.

Just recently Pastor Ezekiel had warned men against dating women named Diana.

"Ukioa Diana uishi na yeye, atakucontrol kama robot (If you marry a woman named Diana, she will control you like a robot) . She becomes the husband, but if you show her that you are the man of the house, she will leave," he said.

Further adding

Akiolewa, utashare na watu. Anapendwa na kila mtu bila yeye kujua (If you marry her, you will have a problem. She will cheat on you with different men. Women named Diana are loved by men even without their knowledge)," he claimed.