Rayvanny: We ended our feud with Harmonize for descendants

The two had a legendary beef that even involved Frida Kajala's daughter, Paula

Harmonize and Rayvanny
Image: Courtesy

Bongo star Raymond Mwakyusa aka Rayvanny has opened up about the conflict that existed between him and the artist Harmonize saying that those who have been angry should end it for the benefit of their future generations.

"Harmonize, we were together on the same label, but there were differences between me and him and there was hatred because each of us felt better than the other, despite all that, it came to a time when we decided it was better to end our quarrel so that we can be a better example for our followers and our generations for tomorrow," said Rayvanny.

The artist added that now that he and Harmonize were good friends, they were always visiting each other to advice each other musically.

"Harmonize and I have become like brothers because now we respect each other, from time to time we get to know each other's situation and continue our art forward." Rayvanny added.

Rayvanny praised Harmonize for the three awards given to him in the United States, while calling those who criticized them as just idiots.

Many on the internet criticized Harmonize saying that he bought the award, but that is not true. Harmonize won the award after a fierce confrontation and emerged as the winner.

"No one can buy an award to make his followers happy. Harmonize awards are real because there are states in the United States where I won an award despite not going.

Maybe Harmonize will bring me my award because we have become friends," said Rayvanny.