Nilikua natesa na form 4 certificate- MP Jalang'o

Jalas said he got a degree when he was already a household name

MP Jalang'o
Image: courtesy

Lang'ata Member of Parliament, Phelix 'Jalang'o' Odiwuor has said for a long time, he operated and rose to success with only a Form four certificate.

Jalas said he got a degree when he was already a household name and people would wonder why he had gone back to school.

Speaking to Alex Mwakideu, the former radio presenter said;

"Nimetesa tu na certificate ya form four. It was that C plus that I had. I did my degree when I was all grown. Alafu nikatangaza kua nataka kua Mbunge. Iliofiika tarehe 5. Baada ya hio fundraiser, watu wakajua kumbe nilikua serious."

He added;

"I didn't know anyone in Lang'ata, I went from ward to ward to campaign, they started knowing me. "

Jalas said getting a nomination ticket was not a walk in the park.

"Nomination, wachana na kura, Kupata hio ticket ya chama, nilitoa kivumbi, tayari kulikua na jamaa ana experience. Kila wakati, yeye ndio alikua anajualikana kama mbunge wa Langata katika chama cha ODM. Nilipiga campaign kubadilisha hayo mawazo."

He added that the money from te harambee he had done was finished by the time he was getting nominated.

"Hata zile pesa mlinichangia, zile ziliisha kwa nomination. Lakini sasa unajua akiba haiozi, nilikua nimeweka kibunda."

He said that if he knew some secrets in politics, he wouldn't have gotten into it in the first place.

"Kuna mengi najua saa hii kama ningekua nimejua kitambo, singeingiza siasa. Lakini saa hii vile niko ndani, ni tamu sana, sitoki."

The reason Jalan'go did not vie for a seat in his hometown was because of what he termed as petty politics.

"Home, Kuna siasa za kijinga sana. Wewe ni wa ukoo gani, ni mtoto wa nani? Kuna mambo madogomadogo ya ukoo."