Kilifi mom starved her 2 kids and buried them to please God

The police managed to save the 3rd child who told how their mother tortured her siblings by starving them and shutting them off from fresh air until they died.

Crime Scene.

The cops are holding a woman in Kilifi County after she allegedly starved her children before choking them to death to please God.

Police on Wednesday evening also arrested a controversial evangelist from the County in connection with the death of the two children in Shakahola village.

The evangelist of the Good News International church is under police custody after the Malindi court ordered the exhumation of the children's bodies.

Others listed as suspects in the death of the children are their parents Mr. Isaac Ngala and Mrs. Emily Kaunga, a local newspaper reported.

According to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), the children are believed to have starved to death and were later beaten to death by their mother with the intention of becoming 'heroes before God after death'.

The mother is a worshiper in the church. "According to investigating officer Joseph Yator from the Malindi Criminal Investigation Department, the police managed to rescue the third child.

The rescued child narrated the suffering his two brothers went through after being starved for a while before their mother choked them to death," DPP said.

The three who are the children's parents and a pastor are suspected of burying the two children on March 16 and 17, respectively, in a shallow grave in Shakahola village, Kilifi County.

The police have now ordered the exhumation of the children's bodies for further investigation before the parents and the pastor are charged with murder.