Kevin Mboya blasted for attacking Alinur Mohamed after 700k failed promise

After his lover spat on him when he shocked Kwale, Mboya returned to Nairobi crying and the politician promised to wipe his tears with big promises

Kevin Mboya.
Image: Instagram/Kevin Mboya.

Kevin Mboya, a blogger hit the headlines in January after he claimed that he had traveled from Nairobi to Kwale to surprise his girlfriend, but the visit went terribly for him.

Mboya later emerged and said that his lover turned on him and betrayed him by turning off her phone and after several days of silence which worried netizens, Mboya came back crying.

Many people sympathized with him and Nairobi politician, Alinur Mohamed was one of those who sympathized with him and volunteered to wipe his tears.

Alinur, through his pages on the Internet, offered to give 7 hundred thousand shillings in cash to the blogger as well as to finance his one-week trip to Dubai.

"I predicted things would not go well for this young Kevin Mboya and after watching his video on his social accounts, I have confirmed my fear.

However, the past is not a hair, I am looking for him. I will pay for his one-week holiday in Dubai and give him Sh. 700k for its use,” Alinur said.

However, about 2 months later, Mboya emerged with a new one! He claims that the politician did not keep his promise and until now the 7 hundred thousand shillings he promised him, he has never given him a single shilling until people see him and think he has money following that promise.

"It is one month, two weeks, and two days now since Hon. Alinur made this promise. He still hasn't respected it.

Everywhere I go people think I have money because they believe I have KSH. 700K. Every day I am invited to Harambee. My friends and family call me every day to participate!” Mboya cried.

However, some criticized him for brazenly demanding a promise that someone gave him instead of waiting, and others asking him to find his own money and stop doing tricks to be given promises of money.

"Find your money man," one told him. "Why don't you know a joke?" another said.