Kericho: Man suspected of stealing women's underwear arrested

The man, who works in construction, was suspected after underwear fell from his coat pocket.

Crime Scene.

A man suspected of stealing women's underwear was arrested by villagers in Kericho county.

The man, whose name was not identified, was said to be a construction worker in the Chagoror market and residents suspected him of being a thief of women's underwear after one of the underwear fell from his coat pocket.

According to reports, women in the small market have been complaining about the loss of their underwear from the hanging lines and not knowing who took them.

The villagers decided to hold an emergency meeting to find a solution to the loss of women's underwear and in that meeting, this man, the suspect was silent the whole time and could not open his mouth to express his opinion, Citizen reported.

It is alleged that he entered the compound and stole the underwear of the women before joining his friend in the river where they were doing construction.

Initially, the man's companion did not think much of the disappearance of the suspect, stating that he believed that the man was only relieving himself in the nearby bushes.

When the suspect arrived at the river, he claimed that he was talking to one of his colleagues at home.

His friend, however, was shocked when the underwear fell from the suspect's jacket, drawing the attention of other villagers who rushed to the scene.

The residents transported the criminal to Chagoror business center where after a search, several underwears were found inside his bags.

The man then led the residents to his home where more women's underwear was found.