Mutahi Ngunyi has warning for Ruto after Eldoret chaos

The analyst stated that president William Ruto should be cautious about the happenings claiming that his 'enemies' could be planning to bring him down.

Mutahi Ngunyi.
Image: The Star

Mutahi Ngunyi now claims that the chaos witnessed in Eldoret town on Thursday was planned.

The analyst said in a statement on Twitter that President William Ruto should be wary of what was going on because his "enemies" might be plotting to topple him.

This is after riots were witnessed in Eldoret town on Friday, where a group of rowdy youths allegedly attacked and stole from a supermarket in town.

"The insecurity in the country does not add up. Eldoret riots of yesterday smack of sabotage," the tweet reads.

"They are not spontaneous. Effective leaders go by only one rule:"...only the paranoid survive..." You must sleep with one eye open. You have enemies my friend," he tweeted Friday.

On Thursday, a supermarket along with several other shops were looted as Uasin Gishu county askaris engaged hawkers in running battles in Eldoret town.

The town CBD was a no go zone for several hours as police were called in and used tear gas to quell the skirmishes on the streets.

It's during the chaos that groups of people stormed Eldomatt supermarket and carted away many goods especially food stuffs and electronics among others.

The chaos erupted after county askaris seized goods from hawkers and other traders accused of operating in non designated areas.

The angry hawkers teamed up with street families and attacked the county askaris all over the streets.

At one point the hawkers armed with stones and crude weapons overpowered the askaris and chase them to the county headquarters.

The county administration however called in police reinforcement but the chaos spilled over to most streets forcing most traders to shut down their business.

A leader of the hawkers John Kamau said they were fed up with harassment by the county askaris.

"We now battle with them to defend our rights," he said.

He accused the askaris of looting from the hawkers and sharing all seized items in the name of controlling operations in the town.

MCA for Huruma ward Kimani Wanjohi accused the county askaris of harassing innocent traders frequently.

He claimed that the skirmishes were political.

It's the second time such skirmishes have occurred in the town within the last one month.

Governor for Uasin Gishu Jonathan Bii is away on a foreign trip and the county has not issued a statement on the skirmishes.

Top police officers in the region said the matter was being handled by the county government.

During the last Mashujaa Day Celebrations in the town Uasin Gishu woman rep Gladys Shollei accused the county of mishandling the small scale traders.