Why Senators have rejected salary hikes gazetted by SRC

Recently, The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC)  gazetted an increase in salaries for MPs, MCAs, Cabinet secretaries, Senators, Governors, and PS which is to be effective  1st July. 

However, during the House of senate hearing, several senators were against the salary increase especially as Kenyans are Anti-government protesting.

Kilifi Senator

Speaking on the floor of the House on Wednesday, Madzayo Stewart rejected the proposed rise.

"Vile watu wanasema eti mshahara unaongezwa. Bwana Spika nataka kusema sitaki mshahara wangu uongezwe," he said.

He also hoped that the rest of the senators will also reject the same, saying it is not a good time for increments.

"Let it be given to the needy so they can be able to manage their dire situations," he said.

He also proposed that the money to be used for increments be donated to the victims of the anti-Finance Bill protests and their families.

Senator Madzayo

Nairobi Senator

Besides Senator Edwin Sifuna complaining in the Senate, he also took it to his X page to express his disinterest in the pay hike.

"I will not fight for 14k extra when the whole country says we need to lessen taxpayer burden. I don't want this 14k. Ikae," he said.

"I didn't ask for it. I don't need it. It's still money, in a country where many have no income.''

He also condemned the government for such a move especially in this season that Kenyans are at a crisis economically.

Senator Sifuna

Kericho Senator

Senate Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot also rejected the proposed salary increment citing that the leaders' earnings must also reflect the current state of economy.

While addressing in parliament, he stated that public officers including Members of Parliament have no option but to take pay cuts to reduce the ballooning wage bill.

"SRC has been silent during these protests. They have to speak and tell us what is it that we do to reduce the wage bill from 46 per cent to mandatory 35 per cent. If it means taking a pay cut, we as members of parliament have been told that we will never do it. We don’t have an option, we must do it.''

In addition, Cheruiyot questioned why the SRC has remained silent during the anti-government protests, instead of forwarding solutions that would resolve the country's economic woes. .

He added that public officers including Members of Parliament have no option but to take pay cuts to reduce the ballooning wage bill. 

"The yearly increment that is being discussed, I saw it being reported or misreported that we are now going to earn more; SRC continues to be silent about it. We must make a resolution and say that we reject even that one in light of the financial situation."

Cheruiyot noted that the senators convened for a session on Tuesday off-camera where they discussed issues affecting the country.

He noted that the Wednesday morning session aimed at addressing the issues and forwarding radical solutions to the country. 

Hon Aaron Cheruiyot