Crazy things Kenyans did during the anti-tax protests

Protester has gone viral for smoking the teargas from its canister as if it were tobacco or shisha.

On Tuesday 25th June Kenyans marched for the third time protesting against the Finance Bill 2024 whereby a lot happened.

Besides people being injured and dying, Kenyans did crazy comical things that have been trending and amazed netizens.

One of them is when protestors overwhelmed the police guarding parliament buildings and gained access to it.

They burned down a section of parliament, and broke windows, furniture, and utensils.

When in parliament, some protestors were seen invading the parliament cafeteria and started feasting.

Protestors feasting in parliament

Others were seen inside wearing the traditional gowns of the clerks of the national assembly and mimicking parliamentary sitting.

An angry protestor sat on speaker Wetangula's seat and recording himself shouting, ''Ruto must go!''

Others were also seen running away with the parliament's TVs, statues, seats and other equipment.

A viral video of another Kenyan was seen angrily breaking away with the parliament mace which he acquired after protestors raided parliament.

The Kenyan parliamentary mace is a symbol of immense significance, embodying the authority and legitimacy of the legislative branch.

This highly ornate staff, carried by the mace-bearer during parliamentary proceedings, serves as a tangible representation of the people's sovereignty.

Parliament Mace

In Nyeri, when the police threw teargas canisters trying to disperse the protestors, one was successfully caught by a protestor.

He blew the internet with his astonishing act of smoking the teargas from its canister as if it were tobacco or shisha.

He was also heard complaining about it, ''Come with strawberry flavor next time. Hii haibambi.''