MP John 'KJ' Kiarie eats a humble pie as he apologizes to Kenyans

Dagoretti South MP John Kiarie has apologized to Kenyans for the remarks he made last week about the protests against the Finance Bill 2024.

Last week during  Parliament's hearing, MP John talked about Tuesday's protest that was done by Kenyan Youths.

He had claimed that the Occupy Parliament protest photos were AI-generated and edited but not real.

''Tuesday's demonstrations were fake and photos were edited and others downloaded from the internet,'' he said.

He added by acclaiming himself as a professional photo editor who knows the difference between real and photos assuring that the protests were fake.

He also remarked suggesting that they should do away with protestors' WhatsApp groups and social media.

''How about the police have an entire wing dedicated to combing social media and WhatsApp groups.''

Hon John Kiarie later yesterday apologized for saying that the protests photos were fake.

He posted his apology on his X social media page with a heartfelt handwritten letter alongside.

''I TRULY APOLOGISE for the comments I made regarding the protests and the authenticity of certain images. In the heat of the moment during the debate on the finance bill, my words were unnecessary, misguided, and insensitive.''

He also complimented the youths who protested by saying, ''I appreciate the courage and creativity shown by the younger generation in advocating for change through innovative means, including social media and other emerging technologies.''