Parliament to investigate allegations of sexual abuse on tea plantations

The companies say they have suspended the three executives involved.

Tea Plantation.
Image: The-Star

The Kenyan Parliament has called for an investigation into allegations of sexual abuse on tea plantations, a statement reported by the BBC.

MP Beatrice Kemei said she watched the report with "deep shock". The BBC found that more than 70 women had been abused by their managers on farms run by two British companies - Unilever and James Finlay.

The companies say that they have suspended the three managers involved and they are also surprised by the allegations.

The Fairtrade Foundation described the allegations as "outrageous", and said an investigation by BBC Africa Eye and BBC Panaroma - "was nothing more than an online campaign called a #MeToo moment for tea".

Ms Kemei, who is a women's representative in the tea growing area of ​​Kericho County, said the report highlighted "rampant" gender-based violence in "many international tea companies operating in our country".

MP Beatrice Elachi said it is unfortunate that such cases are still going on. "Today is a very difficult day for me as a woman, a leader and a citizen of Kenya.

Today I was reminded that slavery still exists in this nation; I can't explain how a man has abused women in tea plantations for 30 years and nothing has been done," he was quoted by local media as saying.

Deputy Speaker Gladys Shollei instructed a parliamentary committee to complete an investigation into the allegations within two weeks.

In a BBC investigation, a woman said she was infected with HIV by her supervisor, after being forced to have sex with him. Another woman said the unit manager suspended her until she agreed to have sex with him.