What next for President Ruto and Gen Zs?

"I don't know if people understand where Gen Zs are coming from! Life is so expensive! No jobs, degrees ziko kwa nyumba! They are watching their parents struggle to feed them,'' Maina said.

Mwalimu King'ang'i and Maina Kageni engaged their listeners on the next move for the president and Gen Z following President Ruto's speech.

"I don't know if people understand where Gen Zs are coming from! Life is so expensive! No jobs, degrees ziko kwa nyumba! They are watching their parents struggle to feed them,'' Maina began.

In his speech, President Ruto said, "I dropped the Finance Bill, I called them to come to the table and talk to me, they refused and asked me to go to X, I went there but they ran away. I have called them for talks, but they have refused, saying they are faceless and formless.''

King'ang'i then asked, "What do they want the president to do because we must continue to build the nation? So what's next? Should the president be given more time to implement?"

Some of the listeners' views are shared below:

Jennifer Kanyiri: I don't think anyone is lazy, it's only that job opportunities aren't easily available in Kenya today. I wish some changes could improve things to be better.

Esther Agung: What the president doesn't understand is that Gen Z are staying away from his dialogue and so-called space because they want to be "alive." Once they go for the dialogue, a number of them will end up in the "morgue and dams unalive." They know how he works.

Njoroge Muriu: King'ang'i, we are not asking them to stop building; we are asking for good governance and accountability. Is this too much to ask for?

Sammy Khisa: Those people over 60, we don't want them in the Cabinet. They can never bring change or any innovation. People like Alice Nganga, their jobs will simply be signing documents, no creativity. With the current state of the economy, we need creative minds in ministries operating on leaner budgets.