Kenyans speak on their experience with floods

Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura has said the floods this past month has displaced households 31,341.

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Kenya has so far lost 179 people due to the ongoing floods across the country, Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura has said.

Mwaura said the floods have claimed 10 people in the past 24 hours raising the death toll to 179.

He also said the ongoing flooding has led to the displacement of an additional 1,127 households raising the number of displaced households to 31,341.

Maina Kageni then asked listeners after listing these facts, "What's your biggest lesson from these floods? Were you affected?"

Read some of the comments below:

@OgechiPhilip· Imagine coast kuna kiangazi, tunaona hiyo mvua kwa VIUsasa na TV. We stand with our brothers on the wet side of the coin

25Soldier Wa Mundoro

@enos_chui· Nyandarua no incident reports

@ochauro· I've learned always to be prepared, since natural calamities can happen any time. Most importantly, if building, the proper drainage system is MUST

@Ronoh_Jefff Natural calamities nobody can overcome

@CutePatoh· Lord have to our country kenya1

@infotechstoreke·1hWhat we have learnt is that whenever you are moving to a new place either to build ama in another rental house check the geographical area and check how it is. Because right now estates are suffering because the land was okay but after kujenga pale woooiii rains does it all

Miqdad@Miqdad221286· Whenever we pray for the rains, please let us pray for " mvua ya neemag" blessed rain nd not just rain. Also, the Noah story...