Mike Mondo: Is your governor managing your money well?

The Classic 105 discussion was born out of a report that showed that counties have failed to account for billions of shillings in their expenditures.

Mike Mondo
Image: Instagram

Radio presenter Mike Mondo and his listeners on Classic 105 had an interesting discussion about Governors and their performance records as far as managing resources is concerned.

Mondo wanted to know if his listeners could score their Governor as a good managers after a report exposed the ongoing mismanagement of funds in several counties.

The Classic 105 discussion was born out of a report that showed that counties have failed to account for billions of shillings in their expenditures.

This has triggered concerns that funds could have been embezzled.

Here are some of the responses that fellow Netizens have shared on the Classic 105 X page:

Kwani tuko na 47 counties will 48 governors ama naona zangu2

@Moigukiy·11h No, Mike My governor just need to be fired He's just a mess Juzi actually amekeleleshwa na Wananchi pale Bomet County  

Vincent Sigei@vinsigei·Dawa ni si hao governor's ni accountable,such unaccounted money be recovered from their salaries. That will pain then and within a month utaskia penye pesa ilienda. Ukitaka accountability on any money,guza mfuko ya http://mtu.so that money be treated as imp

@ArapCherry·Bure kabisaa even failed to offer us a job..and taxing.Mike ata unitaftie kazi bwana 

@Moigukiy· No, Mike My governor just need to be fired He's just a mess Juzi actually amekeleleshwa na Wananchi pale Bomet County 

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