Maina makes fun of King'ang'i's English

The comedian was speaking about Russian politics before he tripped up

Maina Kageni and Mwalimu King'ang'i

Radio Star presenter made a hilarious joke about Mwalimu King'ang'i after he mistakenly pronounced the Russian's presidents name wrongly.

Mwalimu had said Putny instead of Putin and went ahead to justify himself by saying, "Unajuwa unafaa kusema venye unaprounce na venye unaandika," Mwalimu tried to justify himself.

Maina laughed as he corrected him and said," Not Putny Putin, how are you even a teacher ati Putny?" Maina asked  Mwalimu.

Mwalimu stated, "Endelea na hiyo story juu nilikuwa nimeanza vizuri sana na kizungu yangu yote hata umenitega."

Maina laughed as he apologised to Mwalimu and told him to continue with what he was saying.

Mwalimu King'ang'i then continued, "By the way na wale watu hatujazoea kuongea kizungu direct ukiskia tumeshika rythym ya kuongea usimstop hadi naeza jiuma ulimi."

"Pole," Maina apologised.

"Vladimir Putny has won fifth term with 87.8% of the votes. In other words, alikuwa  anashindana pekee yake aliingia 1999 amejiongezea zingine," Mwalimu stated.

"And the constitution allows him another two terms," Maina added.

"Sawa sawa," Mwalimu King'ang'i concluded.

Below is a link to listen to the conversation: