Watch: Lady would rather count rice or trust men

In a post shared on her page, she showed her face next to a carefully arranged tray of rice grains.

The lady
Image: Screengrab

A lady has stirred emotions on social media after claiming that trusting a man is difficult for her.

The beauty said that if she had to choose between trusting a man or starting to count grains of rice one by one, she would rather count grains of rice even if it took the whole day.

In a post shared on her page, she showed her face next to a carefully arranged tray of rice grains.

The words read: "Trust men or count rice." Shortly afterwards, she appeared in a video counting and arranging grains of rice on the tray.

The video quickly gained attention on social media and sparked mixed feelings, with some questioning how quickly women have lost their trust in men.

Here is the video: