Ruth K reveals secret to seducing and keeping Mulamwah

The couple revealed that they were expecting a child last month

Mulamwah and Ruth K
Image: Instagram

Comedians Eddie Butita and YY teased Mulamwah's girlfriend, Ruth K asking her to reveal the secret of what she gave him to make him love her as much as he does.

In a short video that YY posted on his Instagram page, the two comedians were seen interrogating the content producer to reveal what she did to Mulamwah.

"Mazee, what did you give our boy.. what did you promise him?," YY and Butita asked together.

The two continued to praise Ruth K claiming that their fellow comedian has been brighter and happier since they started dating.

"This boy is you who only talks about you all the time, that is, all the time it is only your stories he is saying.

This boy will come at eleven o'clock saying I want to go see Ruth, I want to go see my bestie let me get home and what," YY said.

YY and Butita continued to pressure the content producer who is currently pregnant with her first child Mulamwah to reveal what she did to the comedian.

Ruth, who usually recognizes Mulamwah as a 'bestie', claimed that the secret has been to keep Mulamwah well, e.g. by cooking well.

After Ruth left the conversation area, however, it became clear that YY and Butita were only teasing her to make her feel happy, loved, and appreciated.

They were seen asking Mulamah if they had played a good show in front of his girlfriend, a sign that it was all a joke.

At the end of November, Mulamwah and Ruth finally revealed that they were expecting their first child together after long denying the fact.

On their social media pages, the two shared pictures of themselves showing Ruth's protruding belly, hinting that she was not far from giving birth.